Davis University

433 N. Summit St.
Suite 202
Toledo, OH 43604


Davis University Online Enrollment Agreement
Race or Ethnicity (U.S. Department of Education Disclosure Information) *
Gender Assigned at Birth (U.S. Department of Education Disclosure Information) *
Marital Status (U.S. Department of Education Disclosure Information) *
Have you made an application to Davis University before? *
I will be attending *
Anticipated Course Load *
Start Date *
Have you attended another college or university? *
Colleges and Universities Attended
Are you seeking transfer of credits? *
Are you a U.S. citizen? *
Do you plan to apply for Financial Aid? *
Are you eligible for Veteran’s Benefits? *
Are you Agency or Company Sponsored? *
If sponsored, provide name and phone number of sponsor or company.
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2
TUITION & FEES I agree to pay quarterly tuition and fees as follows: (Please select all items below.) *

These are the estimated costs for the first quarter. Books and fees are not included.

Tuition and fee amounts are based on the fee structure in place at the time of enrollment. Davis University reserves the right to change policies, procedures, requirements, courses, textbooks, tuition, and fees without prior notice.


Refunds on tuition and fees are as follows:



Before 1st calendar week


1st calendar week


2nd calendar week


3rd calendar week


4th calendar week


By signing this Application for Admission and enrolling in Davis University, the undersigned agrees to be bound and governed, during his/her enrollment at Davis University, by the rules, regulations and procedures as established and set forth in the Academic Catalog, Catalog Supplement, and Student Handbook as revised or supplemented by Davis University from time to time.

This application may be cancelled, and all fees paid to the school refunded within five calendar days after the date of signing provided Davis University is notified of the cancellation in writing.

In compliance with the State Board of Career Colleges and Schools rules, I certify that I have been made aware of and understand that: “All problems or complaints that I have about Davis University, whether or not the problems or complaints have been resolved to my satisfaction by the school, may at my option be directed to the Executive Director, State Board of Career Colleges and Schools, 30 East Broad Street, Suite 2481, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (877) 275-4219, email: bpsr@scr.state.oh.us.”

Student Signature *
Signature of parent, guardian, or sponsor (if minor)
Signature of Admissions Representative
Publication Date: August 2020
Revised Date: November 2023
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